Ata chapters and subchapters pdf download
Ata chapters and subchapters pdf download

ata chapters and subchapters pdf download

For engine manufacturers this will include the flight cycle lives of major rotating components and other items designated critical. Those manufacturer recommended time limits for inspections, maintenance and overhaul of the aircraft, its systems and units, and life of parts. Manufacturers' recommended time limits for inspections, maintenance checks and inspections (both scheduled and unscheduled). Includes dimensions and areas, lifting and shoring, leveling and weighing, towing and taxiing, parking and mooring, required placards, servicing. AIRCRAFT PARTS MANUFACTURING ASSISTANCE (PMA)ġ0 PARKING, MOORING, STORAGE AND RETURN TO SERVICEġ8 VIBRATION AND NOISE ANALYSIS (HELICOPTER ONLY)ģ9 ELECTRICAL - ELECTRONIC PANELS AND MULTIPURPOSE COMPONENTSĥ1 STANDARD PRACTICES AND STRUCTURES - GENERALĦ0 STANDARD PRACTICES - PROPELLER / ROTORħ0 STANDARD PRACTICES - ENGINE 71 POWER PLANT - GENERAL 72 ENGINE 72(T) ENGINE - TURBINE / TURBOPROP, DUCTED FAN / UNDUCTED FAN 72(R) ENGINE - RECIPROCATING 73 ENGINE - FUEL AND CONTROL 74 IGNITION 75 BLEED AIR 76 ENGINE CONTROLS 77 ENGINE INDICATING 78 EXHAUST 79 OIL 80 STARTING 81 TURBINES (RECIPROCATING ENGINES) 82 WATER INJECTION 83 ACCESSORY GEAR BOXES (ENGINE DRIVEN) 84 PROPULSION AUGMENTATION 91 CHARTSĪTA DEFINITIONS OF AIRCRAFT GROUPS, SYSTEMS AND SUB-SYSTEMS

Ata chapters and subchapters pdf download